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Sustainability Workshop for Team Rainbow

As part of our ongoing ambition to create sustainable, durable ‘forever toys’,  we recently held a Sustainability Workshop for the team, with the help of The Purpose People. The objectives of the day were to help integrate sustainability into the culture of our organisation. During the morning session, we learnt about the need for change and shared some of the important steps we have already undertaken as a business.  We also looked to the future to focus on changes that we can make, as both individuals and a business. In the afternoon we moved on to developing goals and measures that we can implement, and discussing how these can be progressively integrated into our existing strategies and plans.



The feedback from the team was that the day was thought provoking and enlightening, and it certainly generated many ideas for us to work on together! The Purpose People were the perfect people to help us as they are so passionate about the cause and supportive of the delivery of solutions. Ultimately, as a business and individuals we all know that we have a much bigger part to play in sustainability and we can do this together.

Through our Rainbow Cares programme, we are committed to playing our part to ensure that the children of today and tomorrow live in a sustainable world.  We are working hard to understand the full lifecycle of our business and aim to steadily progress on all areas of social and environmental significance, including working to reduce the environmental impact of our products and operations.  

The PurposePeople believe that inspiring and engaging the wider team at Rainbow on sustainability issues holds the key to reducing Rainbow’s impact on the environment, being beneficial both to the delivery of the key objectives for the business and for the team.  “Our workshop was intentionally purpose-led and thought provoking, but hopefully fun too, resulting in valuable interactions with the team and positive feedback,” commented June from The PurposePeople.

During the day we also celebrated our successes as a business, and reviewed the results of initiatives that we have implemented, they included:

  • 90% of Rainbow’s soft toys are now made with stuffing produced from recycled plastic bottles, so in 2023 we used 4,605,436 plastic bottles that otherwise would have gone into landfill. 
  • Our wooden products are all made from FSC wood, with 98% of our consumer packaging FSC sourced, using non-mineral based inks where possible too. 
  • We already measure our Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions and are now working to develop our understanding of our Scope 3 emissions, all aimed at reducing our carbon footprint.
  • As part of our partnership with JUST ONE Tree, we are actively growing our very own forest!